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时间:2024-09-03 16:10:16



Welcome to here! I'm your guide. My name is X. you can call me Xiao X. Inorder to facilitate your visit, let me first introduce you.

Located in Sanzao Island, Zhuhai City, southern China, Sanzao Island tenthousand people cemetery covers an area of about 4000 square meters. It is now acultural relic protection unit in Guangdong Province. It reveals the cruelhistorical facts that Japan occupied China during the Second World War.

In order to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the victory of the AntiJapanese War, Zhuhai plans to expand the ten thousand people cemetery in SanzaoIsland, and build a museum of Japanese atrocities and criminal evidence inSanzao island with 8 million yuan. The plan will increase the area of theoriginal ten thousand person cemetery to more than 40000 square meters. Thevenue of the museum includes a two-story Museum, a monument and a memorial parkcovering an area of more than 1000 square meters. Exhibition contents of theexhibition hall: mainly the atrocities of Japanese invasion of Sanzao Island, aswell as the history of Chinese people's Anti Japanese struggle in South China,especially in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. The library displays documents,evidence of Japanese invasion of China and historical materials with picturesand pictures, and carries out patriotic education. The monument is a place formourning and sacrificing the Anti Japanese compatriots. The inscriptions are tobe collected from the public in Zhuhai. Pine, cypress, chrysanthemum and other"gentleman plants" are widely planted in the Memorial Park, giving the leisurearea a sense of solemnity.

Sanzao island "wanrenfen" is located in zhulishan, Sanzao town. After theJuly 7 Lugouqiao Incident, the Japanese imperialists launched a comprehensivewar of aggression against China. On January 17, 1938, more than 6000 Japanesetroops landed in Liantang Bay, Sanzao island. After landing, the Japanese armybuilt an airport in the south of the island and set up a headquarters composedof sea, land and air forces headed by lieutenant general Fujita. Sanzao was usedas a military base for invading South China, There was a bloody massacre onSanzao island. On March 12 of the lunar calendar, the Japanese army lootedYunong village and killed 386 people. On March 13, the Japanese army burned 36villages and 164 fishing boats, including Shangbiao and dengjiawan. They rapedwomen and killed children. They carried out the inhuman "three light policy"throughout the island. On March 14, the Japanese army captured more than 20__men, women, young and old in Shagang and Lianyungang, respectively Tangwanbeach, Chunyuan ancestral hall, Shiwan Guandi temple, Yulin Xianfeng pit,Qingwan and other places were collectively shot. In just three days, villages inthe northern part of the island were burned to scorched earth, with corpseseverywhere.

During the eight years of the Japanese occupation, the Japanese army killed2891 of our Sanzao compatriots and starved 3500 people. At the same time, theysecretly killed more than 3000 migrant workers from Korea, Taiwan, Wanshan,Hengqin and other places to repair the airport. After the surrender of Japan,the fleeing people returned to the island one after another. In 1948, theycollected the bones of the dead compatriots and buried them in Shangmao village.In 1979, they moved the bones to Zhuli mountain. It was announced as a culturalrelic protection unit of Guangdong Province in 1983. The protection area is 1000square meters.

